Monday 26 December 2011

X'mas Day - 我諗,我中了一記頭槌

就快18周,一直期待小龍的first kick。晚飯時才和朋友說起,應該好快會感覺到了。回到家中準備上床休息時,忽然覺得肚皮近肚臍的左下方,有一股力由裡面湧起,由左而右,轉瞬即逝... 起初以為是腸動,但腸動一向有連貫性,會feel到啲氣繼續走,但今次沒有。回神一想,難道是小龍?

一直以為會係好溫柔的“撩撩下“的感覺(有經驗的朋友都是這樣說的),但我的感覺很不一樣。像一次很實在的頭槌!我想,如果那一下真的是小龍的first move,佢當時應該係想”由床頭轉去床尾“,所以頭仔在我肚皮下擠了一下,我感覺起來就是一記頭槌。


Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my dear bloggers!

May you have a warm festive with your beloved ones in mid of cold weather, and may God's grace embrace you and your family!

Sunday 18 December 2011

A prayer for my son

A Prayer for my Son - By Gen. Douglas Macarthur

Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; a son who will know Thee -- and that to know himself is the foundation s...tone of knowledge.

Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail.

Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the weakness of true strength.

Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, "I have not lived in vain"

Tuesday 13 December 2011

給小龍的信 - 寫於16w


今日是你與媽媽一起足足4個月的日子. 感謝你一路的合作和愛護, 媽媽的早孕期算是過得很不錯, 沒有其他孕媽媽的嘔吐已經是你給媽媽最大的祝福!
雖然, 你的習慣和對媽媽的影響, 實在有點像鬼佬啊~ 不是嗎? 媽媽除了食慾不振, 胃酸倒流, 渴睡這些正常不過的妊娠反應, 還會頭痛, 耳鳴和流鼻血啊! 媽媽同其他姨姨分享時, 他們都說, 小龍好像跟其他小朋友很不一樣啊

上星期四媽媽再到了贊育醫院檢查. 感謝你的配合, 讓媽媽的檢查都變得很順利. 醫生用機器聽你的心跳, 找了好久才找到呢. 當聽到你像火車聲一般的心跳聲音, 媽媽就知道小龍繼續健康地成長. 媽媽忽然想到了婆婆. 當年婆婆懷著媽媽時, 就只能靠用這小小的聽筒去聽我的心跳聲, 當時沒有超聲波, 不能看見媽媽在她肚子裡的情況; 也不能事先知道媽媽的性別, 要等我出世才揭盅!! 媽媽現在可幸福了, 三個月就知道小龍是個男生, 買床仔, 車仔都可以往男生的風格去挑

上星期二媽媽吃了壞東西, 拉了一整天肚子. 心裡擔心著你. 多得你爸一早打電話幫我們預約醫生, 也感激醫院的姑娘特別為我安排了婦科醫生做檢查. 平時傭懶的醫生叔叔那天很好, 很詳細的用超聲波檢查了你在媽媽肚子裡的情況. 你一切安好, 身量也全部合格! 感謝天父的看顧! 還有啊, Bessie ee 知道媽媽經常擔心著你, 有天給我買來的胎心機, 讓媽媽可以在家中也聽到你的心跳, 知道你安好! 媽媽心裡真的很感激. Bessie ee 兩次懷孕也捨不得買東西, 她卻細心的為媽媽預備了... 你出世後要好好鍚鍚Bessie ee啊! 她是你媽媽的最好的朋友呢 也要跟她的樂樂和心言做好朋友啊, 讓我們的友誼可以一代一代的延續下去!

下星期Dr Tay會幫你照結構啊! 希望你到時乖乖的合作, 讓醫生可以清晰地知道小龍一切也很好! 我知道小龍一定會很好!
